Welcome Loves and Skeptics!

Hi there! It's Anne-Sophie, I am so excited to have you here!

I am happy to share a bit more about myself and how I got to start MORE THAN YOUR SUN and offer birth charts readings amongst other astro things.
I was born in France as an only child 40 trips around the sun ago and I chose for love to live in the Netherlands. I have a Gemini Sun in the 8th House, a Scorpio Ascendant and a Taurus Moon ; for those who already have a little Astrology knowledge, it isn't a surprise I do what I do having such placements. Let's say such big 3 allow me to have a natural inclination for curiosity, communication, crack open taboos subjects and look for connection and transformation everywhere I can find it. 
But let's rewind. I always had a very strong yet secret interest for the dance of the Planets on me and others. Astrology was at home a funny - not to be taken too seriously matter - I am sure you experienced it too: I would allow myself to dig into the Elle magazine New Year or in the summer edition, you know that “who's your perfect partner to frolic on the beach this month” kinda vibes.  I got introduced to Astrology, back in the 1990s by my lovely great-aunt who was rebellious at heart and a curious mind. She gave me this book "Gémeaux - Une vision inédite de votre signe astral" by Aline Apostolska and I was fascinated, not that I understood anything to be honest. I would not really try further, ashamed, having that strong conditioning of what proper, correct, suited interests were at that time. See, I ended up being a lawyer a very serious profession, s'il vous plait!

Fast forward a few decades, and it's 2020 in lockdown. As for many of us, the lockdown have made me obviously spend a lot of time in my head, recenter, really look into what made me happy and how I could be of service.

I love to learn and study, so I decided to pick up on a hobby after that introduction I got over 20 years ago. And I started to formally study traditional Astrology and birth charts and all the fun stuff that came along: symbols, lines, numbers and stil no math anxiety was triggered here. I took a curious, open minded and service-centric approach to this study and I started reading birth chart for friends. And I found out we were all definitely MORE THAN OUR SUN signs. 

Astrology is not therapy but it is definitely therapeutic. In a world in which we are taught to look outside for validation, Astrology and birth charts readings bring us inward to commit to ourselves and our live's purpose.  

Oh and did I mention the kids? The position of the planets and the houses in the signs can highlight someones's strengths, challenges, tendencies. And boy that is helpful with children. Of course I don't see my kids through the astro shapes and they are 100% from themselves, not only from the stars nor my husband, nor myself. But having little kids can be tough to say the least, and having their birth charts on the side can help to understand their reactions to some situations or just get a flavour of their beings.

So again, welcome, I wish you to enjoy discovering the person you were born to be! You deserve it!

With love x Anne-Sophie