A special one for the skeptics

A special hello to you the Skeptic who ends up here! 
I would like to do a special shout out to all people screaming woowoo! when Astrology pops up in the convo. I think we can all agree on the existence of 8 planets in our solar system and 2 celestial bodies. Those planets were aligned a certain way at the time of our birth. This is basic Astronomy not even Astrology. 
Now, add to that idea that this position in the sky gave an energy, a flavour to your being. You're still here? 
Your skepticism may come from having only ever read your Sun sign horoscope. Maybe sometimes that horoscope has been right on point; maybe other times you have felt no connection to it at all. It might have only taken a couple of times seeing that it didn’t reflect your experience for you to dismiss it. You might also dismiss because it lacks the kind of scientific support we have come to expect from our systems for bettering ourselves. Consider that scientific methods cannot capture everything. If you are new to astrology, try to stay open to the joy and wonder that lie beyond what you think you know. See for yourself if it speaks to you.

Most importantly the chart is a picture of your personality structure but you are the factor that lies behind the chart and have the power to use the personality and energies depicted in the birth chart in any manner you chose.

So again, welcome, I wish you to enjoy discovering the person you were born to be! You deserve it!

With love x Anne-Sophie